Advertising, Communications, Media, PR & Creative Agencies

PR and the “my client told me to do it” defence

Brisbane public relations agency Mercer PR came under fire recently after it released the identity of a female sexual assault complainant on Nauru in what was described as an “extraordinary” breach of privacy. The press response was brutal and even the Public Relations Institute of Australia waded into the fray, calling for better professional standards. Among...
Is Reading Believing? Ask The ACCC
Should you always believe the labelling on packaging? In a recent case, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), has decided that Reckitt Benckiser the producer of Nurofen has gone too far in their marketing claims, and misled consumers. It was found that Nurofen Back Pain, Nurofen Tension Headache, Nurofen Period Pain and Nurofen Migraine...
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Public relations material now included in AANA Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of the AANA self-regulatory system, providing a central set of principles to which all advertising and marketing communications should comply. Its purpose is to ensure that advertisements and other forms of marketing communications are legal, decent, and honest, having been prepared with a sense of obligation to the...
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Mellow Yellow
Yellow? Or YELLOW? Yellow the colour, or yellow the word? Does it really make a difference? In the recent Telstra Corporation Limited v Phone Directories Company Australia Pty Ltd (2015) it did. YELLOW has been held to not be distinctive of Telstra’s phone directory services. In two separate prior judgements Justice Murphy of the Federal...
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Test Kitchen fails the Test
Thou shall not pass the Trade Mark Act if the phrase you intend on monopolising is too descriptive. Bauer Media, publisher of ‘Womans Day’ and ‘Australian Womens’ Weekly was recently reminded of this when they failed to register the phrase ‘TEST KITCHEN’ as a trade mark. A ‘test kitchen’ is a kitchen used to develop...
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GOOGLE to the rescue!
An American individual who uploads a hilarious video of their cat, dog or goldfish jamming to a prince hit could potentially be served with a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) take-down notice for copyright infringement. A recent announcement by Google is set to alter this trend and ensure that appropriate users are protected by the...
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TPP Officially Released: Hakuna Matata for IP…well not quite
The TPP has finally been released following 7 years of negotiations, speculations and wiki-leak sneak peeks. It comes as no surprise that the final version hasn’t miraculously put out heated debate sparked by earlier leaks. With 12 countries in the TPP gang, compromises had to be made. The most contentious articles are explored below. PATENTS...
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