
Yoghurt Super Bowl ad leaves sour taste with John Butler Trio

The Dannon Oikos Greek Yoghurt Ad, which aired last week during the Super Bowl, is currently ranked No. 9 on USA Today’s Super Bowl Admeter: The John Butler Trio however isn’t so impressed after being alerted to the similarity between the riff in the ad and their popular song ‘Zebra’: The developments are being played out on...
von Muenster Solicitors is moving into the blogosphere! Keeping on top of media and communications industry developments from a legal perspective can seem like a constant uphill battle, so that’s where we come in. Want to know what’s relevant to you and your clients in the legal sphere without needing to trawl through the legalese?...
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Social media top tips
By now, most of our agency clients in one way or another are dabbling in social media with their client. So, based on our experience, we’ve come up with a list of five fundamental social media tips to keep in mind when planning or promoting your next campaign. Always have reference to the most current...
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Good as new?
Simple as it sounds, promoting goods as ‘new’ can be a risky business. As far as the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) is concerned, the word ‘new’ in respect of goods is taken to mean: “Not used or repaired or reconditioned, or used in display, and also not old or already known.” Thus goods...
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